FORTE CULTURA - Social Media Concept EN

Social Media Concept for fortified heritage 9 media, success only rarely comes overnight. Example: Kufstein (AT) The Festung Kufstein in Tirol is also a well-managed fortress with diverse tourist offer and a wonderful event arena for concerts, the operetta summer events, etc. Although the target group of concert goers is usually interested in Facebook posts, the fortress does not conduct its own fan page. Effort here weighs much heavier than the profit. In addition, the risk of losing their reputation as a fortress because of a bad appearance of a booked artist is great. The disadvantage in the case of negative opinions in social media, is the fortress cannot or can only partially respond if they do not have a Facebook account. However, a backdoor is still open.. The organizers of the annual Kufstein Knight Festival of Pen- tecost have their own Facebook fan page. The fortress management provides targeted informa- tion and images here and thus indirectly affects quality content and opinion about the fortress. Example: Fortified Ideal City Jaromer, Josefov (CZ) Unlike the individual fortresses of Königstein or Kufstein, the fortress in Jaromer is surrounded by an entire city. Built by the Austrians as Josefstadt it is the "Fortified Ideal City" it consists of a variety of barracks, casemates and other objects, which today are subject to various tourist use. There are two Facebook fan pages with similar content to the same audience ("Pevnost Josefov" and "Pevnost Josefov - Ravelin No. XIV"). This doesn't look like a good strategy, especially since it is also two competing websites. Is that not confusing for users and potential visitors? Currently the fan pages have 775 and 1,400 "likes”. A common strategy could well open up more potential, but on the other hand a major change in the established online presence could damage the image for previous visitors and users. What goals can be realized with a reorganization and what economic effects could it bring? Conclusion There are many ways to make social media useful. However, without a plan all actions cannot be purposeful in any case. It is not enough to create a social media account, only because you have to have one. As a manager of a tourism destination, you need a sophisticated long-term strategy, includes all marketing elements and channels, from the website to the ticket counter. Following are the elements of a social media concept, presented and explained using the exam- ple of Facebook.