FORTE CULTURA E-Marketing-Guide

Guideline for effective e-marketing for fortified heritage 24 Our recommendations for Social Media Marketing Even if you say you do not have time to deal intensively with the topic, a presence in social net- works is still recommended. If you take advantage of the variety of topics your fortress offers, entertain and inform your users in an intelligent way, you turn them into fans and ideally to recur- rent paying customers. Get an overview of the broad spectrum of social media. Filter out what suits you, your goals, and especially your target audience. Our "Social media concept for social networking of fortified monuments" provides support in this matter. Tip 1: Create for example, a profile of your fortress on Facebook. Here again images and the important facts and figures about your location are very important. Briefly describe what makes your fortress particular. Provide input from your marketing packages and your target groups. Tip 2: Posting every now and then about events and activities can not hurt either. Start slowly, step by step, collect contacts and fans and evaluate the development once a month. Tip 3: Increase customer satisfaction through transparent, efficient and friendly service. Collect and evaluate direct customer feedback. Increase awareness of your products and ser- vices. Tip 4: Communicate your social media activities also through other online marketing channels. For example, inform on your website that you have a Facebook fan page, which keeps your users up to date with current events. If your social media activity has generated a demand, you should take the next step. Since the field is quite extensive and complex, you should seek advice from an agency on how to proceed. Checklist - Social Media Marketing Are Facebook, Twitter and so on relevant communication channels for your target audi- ence? Are you familiar with the opportunities and the risks of social media? Do you have a specific strategy? What are the objectives and how will your success be measured? Do you really want to use social media consistently and have accordingly planned your resources? Is your content and information important and interesting? Do they provide added value for the recipients? Are you in a position to consistently respond to questions, praise and above all criticism, whether justified or unjustified? Have you read our "Social media concept for social networking of fortified monuments"?